I dreaded spring-time weather growing up. I lived in tornado alley and yes, I thought my mom overreacted about the storms. If the weather guy forecasted possible tornados, my mom would make us go to bed in our clothes. We'd have a jacket and our shoes by the end of the bed. I remember going down to the cellar before the sirens would even go off. And I also remember spending the night in that cellar. Thank goodness Dad had the it carpeted and outfitted with electricity. It was actually our playroon.
Now that I am a mom and married to a man who is terrified by storms, I find myself preparing my family for possible storms. Take tonight for instance. Jeremy was on a flight from Charlotte and I was alone with the kids. We enjoyed a great evening and I even got Brandon to bed WITHOUT his pacifier. I double checked the weather and sure enough, Keller was getting pelted with hail. I decided to go ahead and get the dogs inside. Then I started getting everything in place (just in case the storm got nasty). I had to wake up Georgia to move her downstairs, but I told her she'd be waiting for Jeremy. She didn't even realize it was storming. Bradon woke up and I was forced to find a pacifier. Dang those storms!
Well, GP hardly got any bad weather. We only had hard rain, but I was prepared! Jeans on, tennis shoeson, socks and shoes on PJ dressed kids, jackets for kids, packed diaper bag, charged cell phone, laptop to watch wfaa.com, drinks and snacks. I guess the memories of April 10, 1979 still make me appreciate the power of the storms.