Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Georgia's 7th Birthday Party

We celebrated Georgia's 7th birthday last weekend. The kiddos came over for pizza and cake and once the boys left the fun really started! Georgia had a slumber party for 5 girls. They had a great time watching movies and doing crafts, but boy was I tired Saturday.

Next year I think we'll just go to the FW Zoo again!

Dressed For The Weather

I dreaded spring-time weather growing up. I lived in tornado alley and yes, I thought my mom overreacted about the storms. If the weather guy forecasted possible tornados, my mom would make us go to bed in our clothes. We'd have a jacket and our shoes by the end of the bed. I remember going down to the cellar before the sirens would even go off. And I also remember spending the night in that cellar. Thank goodness Dad had the it carpeted and outfitted with electricity. It was actually our playroon.

Now that I am a mom and married to a man who is terrified by storms, I find myself preparing my family for possible storms. Take tonight for instance. Jeremy was on a flight from Charlotte and I was alone with the kids. We enjoyed a great evening and I even got Brandon to bed WITHOUT his pacifier. I double checked the weather and sure enough, Keller was getting pelted with hail. I decided to go ahead and get the dogs inside. Then I started getting everything in place (just in case the storm got nasty). I had to wake up Georgia to move her downstairs, but I told her she'd be waiting for Jeremy. She didn't even realize it was storming. Bradon woke up and I was forced to find a pacifier. Dang those storms!

Well, GP hardly got any bad weather. We only had hard rain, but I was prepared! Jeans on, tennis shoeson, socks and shoes on PJ dressed kids, jackets for kids, packed diaper bag, charged cell phone, laptop to watch wfaa.com, drinks and snacks. I guess the memories of April 10, 1979 still make me appreciate the power of the storms.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

MIA Capris

We have never had good luck with family or kids' portraits. Now don't get me wrong, the pictures always turn out great but we always have drama! This last Saturday was no exception to our rule as the portrait session will always be remembered by the missing capri pants.

Georgia and Brandon were both having their pictures taken this go round. Everything seemed to be falling into place, that is, until it was time for Georgia to get cleaned up. Georgia and I had picked out two really cute outfits and we had packed one and laid the other one out. This was our mistake. I guess that the pretty capri pants were too tempting for Brandon because when Georgia got out of the shower they were no where to be seen! We searched high and low for those silly pants but we couldn't find them. We ended up changing her outfit and as you can see the pictures turned out fine regardless.

Once we got to the studio we had to wait, and wait, and wait. At one point Jeremy said that he'd rather go to Doug Bryan's for pictures!! I can't wait to make that appointment! Maybe by then we'll be able to find those capri pants...we still haven't found them. No telling what Brandon did with them!